Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Survivor One World - April 4/12

It's Day 21 in Survivorland. Jonas has been sent over to be the first member of the jury. Troy and Jay reflect that they, along with Mike, had a pact to stick with the Salani group but are wondering if that was a mistake. Next to go, Jay concludes, must be a girl. Otherwise the men will be overwhelmed. Tree mail arrives containing a bottle of Seven-up. Big sponsorship dollars have been laid out here! The accompanying note tells the Survivors that the game is going downhill very quickly. It turns out that the Survivors will be divided into two teams via the hated school yard pick (Tarzan is the goofy kid left sitting on the sidelines because no one picked him). The rest of the survivors must slide down a giant vertical waterslide (Holy enema Batman!!) then must run out into the water to retrieve a heavy crate that doubles as a giant puzzle piece. As more team members make it off the slide there are more bodies to help with the crate. It is a close race but the team made up of Sabrina, Christina, Leif, Kim and Michael win reward and head off to a Seven-Up Oasis. There they have all the uncola they can drink along with bbq's steaks, burgers, hot dogs and all the fixin's. Sabrina and Kim steal a few moments together to discuss strategy. They feel a tight alliance of the two of them, along with Chelsea, is the way to go, and that Mike should be the next to go home. The girls back at camp are also discussing the merits of getting rid of Mike. But when someone broaches the subject with Jay he worries about the male/female numbers and how that might play out. Apparently Seven-Up has very deep pockets (, because the reward winners are allowed to bring an entire cooler of Seven-up back to camp with them to share with the other tribe members. Good thing they got the Seven-Up because they can use a little cheering up. A big rain and wind storm knocks down part of the wall of their shelter. According to Chelsea, Tarzan then takes part of the wall to use for firewood, even though there are other sticks all over the ground. Tarzan assures her his stick is just a random stick, not a wall stick. He senses Chelsea's doubt though, and an argument ensues. At the end of it Chelsea tells us she really wants to vote Tarzan off. But she is smart enought to know that the big threats have to be removed first and Tarzan is no real threat. Oddly, Tarzan comes to Chelsea later and asks if she dislikes him because he is a plastic surgeon. He tells her that many women have bad surgical outcomes and so hate their plastic surgeons. Chelsea assures him that her boob job is just fine and that is not why she is angry with him. All you scribe could say is WTF? Meanwhile Kim is working some girl magic. She tells Troy that Mike has been talking smack about him around camp. Troy doesn't like Mike and this gets him fueled up and itching to vote mike off. Kim has done her job admirably. For the immunity challenge, Survivors must move over a horizontal ladder while sliding a bag of puzzle pieces along a rope that is wound through the rungs of the ladder. The first four to get to the end move on to the next round where the puzzle assembly takes place. Kim, Alicia, Troy and Jay move on, but it is Jay who gets his puzzle done first. So back to the scheming. Jay wants to send Christina home to even out the male/female numbers. Kim confirms that she is cultivating both her girl alliance and her Salani alliance. Troy is still itching to vote for Mike since he believes Mike is out to get him. Chelsea talks openly to Jay in front of two women who aren't supposed to be in their alliance, thereby confirming Jay's fears that something is up in girl-land. Kim diffuses the situation by agreeing with the men that they should vote for Christina. Privately she tells us that the girls can vote for Mike or she can stick with her Salani alliance. Either way there is no going back and the move will be game changing. In the end though, with Jonas looking on from the jury box, it is Mike who is being sent on his way. Along with Mike goes Selina from our pool. Sorry to see you go Selina, especially since you never saw it coming. Until next week, Outwit, Outplay, Outlast Pat (aka Kat keep your head down Edorsson)

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