Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Your Votes and Update for Survivor Redemption Island - Feb 23/11

I received votes from 14 people - a new record. Here is how they shook out:

Barb, Grace, Georgia and Lisa all voted for Mike (obviously suckers for a pretty face)
Cheryl and Jeff voted for Russell (no so much influenced by a pretty face)
Jack and Mitzie voted for Julie (not afraid of a strong woman)
Roberta voted for David (looking for an intelligent man)
Selina voted for Steve (likes the more mature type)
Donna voted for Boston Rob (likes the seasoned veteran)
Pat voted for Grant (like the football player/yoga instructor yin yang thing)
Rick voted for Ashley (back to the pretty face thing)
Debbie voted for Francesca (hoping for a return from Redemption Island)

Hopefully I got everyone's vote. If I missed anyone please let me know (keeping in mind that I will not believe any old story you tell me).

Now on to tonight's show. Francesa (aka Fransesqua, Franseska, Franqueska etc) has arrived on Redemption Island. She has a nice little shelter with some rope and tools and learns she will receive a daily ration of rice and water. All in all things look quite comfortable. But when the woman goes to make a fire by rubbing the machete over a flint, I am pretty sure she is going to lose a couple of fingers if not her entire hand.

The rest of the Ometeepees arrive back at camp. Phillip immediately asks to talk to Rob and tells him that he was almost duped at Tribal Council and now Rob "owns his vote". Privately Rob tells us that Phillip is a "piece of work" and that he is delusional. He finishes with a warning about the stress of government jobs. Watch out all you government too could turn out like Phillip. Rob goes back to the group and suggests that they should vote for Phillip at the first opportunity. The next day Phillip goes crab hunting, telling us that Survivor puts him in a primal state. As he stalks the crabs in his pink underwear the other tribe members watch from behind a bush and keep up a running commentary as if they were filming a documentary (reminded me of The Gods Must be Crazy - if you haven't seen it rent it or download it or something). In the process of looking for crabs Phillip tells us that he was emotionally impacted by the events at Tribal Council. He talks about his pride and his love of his country. He starts to cry. I cry at Hallmark commercials but this was kind of weird. However did this guy manage to be an FBI agent? But Rob has other problems that turn his attention away from Phillip. Matt and Andrea are cozying up on the beach. Rob worries about a "pair" since he and his main squeeze Amber went through to the final in his very first Survivor appearance. Rob decides that Matt should go very soon and he enlists the help of Natalie who looks like she might faint whenever Rob talks to her.

Meanwhile Zapatera has their very own nut bar. Ralph wakes the camp by climbing on a stump and crowing like a rooster. Russell is not impressed with his tribe and he is especially not impressed with Ralph who, he says, might be the stupidest Survivor ever. What a surprise then, when Ralph is wandering around picking up rocks and accidentally comes across the immunity idol hidden in a tree trunk. All this while Russell and his alliance of Stephanie and Kristin are systematically searching for it. Easy as wiping your hiney with toilet paper proclaims the ever eloquent Ralph.

Time to head off to the combined reward/immunity challenge. Survivors dive into the water, climb up on a platform and jump into the water while simultaneously breaking a tile to release a key. Once they have collected all five keys, one team member must use the keys to open three locks. This opens a box containing a ball. Another Survivor must take this ball and use it to break 5 tiles. This comes down to a duel between Ralph and Phillip. Phillip has trouble breaking his last tile and Ralph wins for Zapatera. At the end of the challenge Matt walks over and shakes the hands of the opposing team, an act that angers Boston Rob.

The Zapaterites head back to camp carrying the basket of fishing gear that is their reward. Russell carries the basket, knowing full well that it likely contains a clue to the hidden idol. Sure enough, he sees a piece of paper sticking out of a swim fin. He pockets the paper but Ralph sees him and alerts the rest of the tribe "took the dag on clue out of the dag on basket", says Ralph. Russell shares the clue with his alliance, Stephanie and Krista. But when Ralph asks him if he has it he denies it, causing some alpha male posturing and threats. It looks like the battle lines are being drawn between these two.

Ometepei is preparing to head off to Tribal Council when Phillip asks them to wait a moment. He makes a rambling speech about how well everyone did in the challenge and takes the blame for their loss. Do what you have to do, he tells them. But, of course, Rob doesn't want them to vote for Phillip. He is PO'd at Matt for the handshaking incident and for playing a the Christian social game. He hatches a plot to split the votes hoping that Kristina will play her idol and that the Matt/Andrea duo will be split up. Matt and Andrea are to believe that they are going to split the votes. Rob takes Phillip aside to tell him he is not the one going home but is afraid to tell him too much ahead of time in case he blurts something out at Tribal Council (as per his Special Agent training). Rob tells him that during Tribal Council he will put his hand on someone's shoulder. That is the person Phillip should vote for. Yup yup yup, says Phillip. Rob also tells Phillip not to "go off" like he did at the last council.

At Tribal Council Phillip has a little rant about his animal tattoos but manages not to divulge any secrets. Rob lays his hand on Kristina's shoulder to indicate where Phillip's vote should go. Kristina plays her idol and Matt finds himself on the wrong side of Dimples' torch snuffer thingy. Matt is paired with Rick and I in the pool so hopefully he will survive Redemption Island and come back for revenge (or just to give everyone a hearty handshake). Everyone is still in the game so keep your fingers crossed. Until next week...

Outwit, Outplay Outlast
Pat (aka Matt my visit was short but pleasant Elrod

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